The weather is definitely changing, and still there is much to do in the garden. The marigolds are still blooming, and the petunias. The mums have just begun, the coneflowers almost gone, which is very sad for the goldfinches who have enjoyed their feast of seeds for weeks now. I just brought up some Cubano chillies for rellenos tonight, and many basil leaves which I ground up and froze as pesto cubes. There are plenty of tomatoes on the vines, but few ripe, probably because of the chill these last days and nights. Just a week ago I was faced with the perennial problem of too many tomatoes, and found a great solution on the net: tomato paella! There are lots of recipes, but this paella from a chef named Mark Bittman (you can see the video via the New York Times)is the first I've ever made that tastes as good as just fresh cut tomatoes. Thus the photo - I am not a great cook, and so always pleasantly surprised when something actually works out.
In even bigger news, finally after a very long and complicated wait, we got our two foster Brits last Thursday. Holly, 2, and Carmen, 5, are both lovely girls that I am sure will find permanent homes soon. Unfortunately, Carmen had personal space issues that made separating them necessary, so Baby Holly went off to another foster home where she won't be so intimidated. As you might imagine, there will be a lot more about these Kansas Girls soon (yes, they both did fly out from Wichita, we could not find any other way to get them to NY quickly). But right now, while we wait for the first in a long series of photos to be processed,I am going to check on Carm, a very smart, funny, and decidely opinionated dog. Nice to have a furry friend around again.
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