After a very cold and snowy December, these last few days have been so mild as to be almost unreal. It has been in the 50s and even 60s! So some of our many feet of snow have begun to melt, but there's so much (and it's been on the ground so long) that quite a bit still remains. This morning I could even take off my light jacket and do my morning walk in just sweatpants.
In these long and dark winter months out here, I plan and replan my gardens and make and remake lists of things to do when the thaw comes. But while even the evergreens look cold, and nothing remains of color above ground, I have stumbled on a gardener's delight - something called an Aerogarden (just Google it and you will see). I got my little unit just about a month ago, and opted for the cherry tomato grow pack (they have many: herbs, flowers, vegetables, and are adding new things all the time). And I must say, thus far the plants are doing exactly what the brochure said they would. They sprouted in 2 or 3 days, and are growing happily in my photoscreening dark room, under their own little lights and complete with their own little timers and pumps and stuff. I had thought to try to do some herbs or vegetables indoors in the winter before, but having never done so and having absolutely no experience, was so confused by just the choice of which light to choose I just gave up. Then quite by accident I found this site, and there was the answer to my gardener's prayers: a simple, small, self-contained unit in which to grow plants during the winters. It couldn't be easier, is so automated that it has lights that blink to tell you when to add water, when to add nutrients, and other than admiring the new leaflets there's not much one needs to do. If the baby toms continue on track we should be eating real, flavorful, completely untainted tomatoes by next month. I can't imagine a better Valentine! So here are my little sproutlets for your viewing pleasure - hopefully next shot will feature actual tomatoes!
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