Hello Ayro Sara Dotson! Born on January 8th, 2010 at 11:45 (her sister Hyla's birthday as well!!), Ayro weighed in at 8 pounds 3.75 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long. Brian was called to NYC to babysit big sister Hyla overnight while Josh accompanied Lisa to the hospital, and he and Hyla had such a good time! While everyone had advice for Brian about what to do when the inevitable "meltdown" happened, it never did. They spent 24 hours together, eating (they both are grazers), drawing (of course!), reading books, and just enjoying each other's company. Though I must say that when Brian did arrive home the next evening, he went to bed pretty quickly!
I was home with our foster dog Sadie, on her last night with us. Ayro wasn't due till the 12th, so I thought having Chris, Sadie's new dad, come pick her up on the weekend might just work. Alas, Ayro couldn't wait, and I couldn't leave Sadie alone (how would she work the remote with no opposable thumb?), so we two senior ladies spent a last night bonding, and having phone conversations with Bri and Hy. Hyla has definitely mastered the art of "hi" and "bye", but other than that is not much for long phone chats - just like her grandma!
And goodbye Sadie girl! Saturday afternoon, hours before Brian got home, Chris and girlfriend Lee arrived to take Sadie home forever. Much to my delight, the formerly shaky Sadie just jumped right in his car when the time came, without a backward glance, and settled right in at her new home.

As you can see, her beloved new bed, bought for her by doting "aunties" Tracey and Lynn, made her feel right at home, right away.
While I'm always a bit conflicted seeing the foster dogs go, a brand new grandchild is a great focus for attention. And Hyla remains such a delightful girl! It will be interesting to see how the sisters relate as time goes by...

We shall see... and you can be sure I'll write about it here!
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