Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9 2014

Starting the New Year with plenty of winter scenes for our friends NOT living through it. It's been a wild ride so far, down to many degrees below zero, back up to the high 40s, then back down again to even more degrees below zero. It's pretty, I admit, but only if there's no need to go out and actually deal with it. Here are some snow shots and my best attempts at capturing the really beautiful frost patterns on the porch windows (again, disclaimer, not the best photographer).

There's very little left of the summer gardens, after all the precipitation and wind and temperature swings all my green buddies have either given up or gone underground. But as an antidote to the already seemingly endless winter, I've sprouted some arugula seeds on a windowsill and am hoping to be able to get a few leaves for sandwiches some day soon. We shall see.. In any case, even windowsill gardening seems better than no gardening at all.

The bluebirds cleared the berry bushes before the first big chill, and I haven't seen them since. I hope they are somewhere safe and warm. Thus far I have successfully resisted the impulse to make tiny parkas for the birds, it's just so hard to believe such delicate looking creatures can make it through these brutal winters.

And that is all the news I have at present. I hope things are milder wherever you are, and that 2014 brings good things to all - we can always hope, anyway. Be well!

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