Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 10 2008

After 3 days of 100 degree heat, today it was only in the high 80's, so we took our new foster dog for our usual walk. Bonnie, as you can see, is a lovely girl - but what you can't see is how very small she is, only 30 pounds. She's very affectionate, likes to stay close, and has wonderful manners in the house. Unfortunately, walking her is a lot like putting a truffle-sniffing pig on a leash. She is much more interested in sniffing everything her nose can reach, and snuffles up the road with her head down and her belly almost on the ground! Amusing, but not what the Dog Whisperer would approve. Otherwise she's a joy to have around, as all these dogs have been. My guess is she won't be here long, as she's so appealing and house broken as well.

In garden news, the iris are almost done, the peonies have opened everywhere, and the wild daisies are about to take over the south garden entirely. There are some day lilies blooming too, but the coneflowers, though they've set flower heads, wilt every day in the heat, even when it rains or we water. Too hot too fast for them - and me too! But I'm adding some shots of the garden that we took in the last week or so, to give you an idea of what's happening.

The other big news is that after only 5 years here, I have a calligraphy student! Once a week won't make me wealthy, but it's so nice to have someone who wants to learn what I love to teach. And since the second lesson is tonight, I'll leave you with these photos to look over. Let me know what you think (I will forward all compliments to Bonnie).

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